This is a key milestone for Nussir ASA and the Kvalsund municipality. The company acknowledges the importance of carefully managing the responsibility it has been trusted with towards local stakeholders. Nussir ASA received the approved zoning plan for the copper project from the Ministry of Regional
affairs in March 2014, following the approval in the Kvalsund municipality in 2012. The Repparfjord copper deposits are the largest ever discovered in Norway.
CEO Øystein Rushfeldt states: “This is an important decision both for Nussir ASA, the Kvalsund municipality and the Norwegian Mining industry. We are pleased that the Agency has come to a positive decision on this matter based on a thorough evaluation and factual basis. We are also very pleased on behalf of the local community in Kvalsund, which for many years has worked intensively with Nussir to land this project through a comprehensive and democratic process. Nussir ASA will in its future activities set the criteria for monitoring and surveillance of the sea tailings deposit in close dialogue with other users of the fjord. The company can now move ahead and further develop the project towards production. The project will contribute to re-establish Norway as a producer of the most important metal in the transition to a more environmentally friendly society with reduced use of fossil fuels. Our goal is to establish a profitable and long-term cornerstone company in Kvalsund and the West Finnmark region in Norway, with a focus to utilize the best available environmental solutions, and exercising social responsibility.”