Our Mission
Nussir wants to be an active contributor to the local community. The establishment of Nussir in Hammerfest Municipality will create stable and long-lasting job opportunities in the region and contribute to resettlement into an area characterized by a decreasing and aging population. The new jobs will provide significant value at both municipality, county and state level.
In line with the company’s principles on environmental protection and social engagement, the company enabled local stakeholders to choose themselves the consultants that were to perform the Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs). The company will continue this approach through the mine’s construction and operation, using a similar committee of local stakeholders to oversee the monitoring of environmental impacts and to ensure the mine is developed in a way that, to the best extent possible, has a net positive impact on the local community.
Nussir took to heart the idea of Free Prior Informed Consent of the local population, well before this became a world standard for the development of mines.
The company is currently preparing a Sustainability Plan which will govern all its environmental and social policies and procedures, enabling it to meet the following standards, in addition to Norway’s own strict legal requirements: